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Blackmon, A.T. (2003). The influence of science education professional development on African  American science teachers’ conceptual change and practice, (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. (Accession Order No. 3080303). Emory University.

Brooks, M., West-Olatunji, C., Blackmon, A.T., et al (2012). Minority-serving institutions and their contributions to advancing multicultural teacher education pedagogy. Education, v133 n2 p349-360 Win 2012.

Cook, D. A., & Dixson, A. D. (2013). Writing critical race theory and method: A composite counterstory on the experiences of Black teachers in New Orleans post-Katrina. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education26(10), 1238-1258.

D’amico, D., Pawlewicz, R. J., Earley, P. M., & McGeehan, A. P. (2017). Where are all the Black teachers? Discrimination in the teacher labor market. Harvard Educational Review87(1), 26-49.

Fairclough, A. (2009). A class of their own: Black teachers in the segregated South. Harvard University Press.

Fairclough, A. (2004). The costs of Brown: Black teachers and school integration. The Journal of American History91(1), 43-55.

Foster, M. (1987). It’s cookin’ now: An ethnographic study of a successful Black teacher in an urban community college. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Harvard University.

Foster, M. (1990). The politics of race: Through the eyes of African American teachers. Journal of Education, 172, 123-141.

Foster, M. (1993). Educating for competence in community and culture. Urban Education, 27, 4, 370-394.

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Foster, M. (1995). African American teachers and culturally relevant pedagogy. In J. A. Banks and C. A. M. Banks (eds.), Handbook of Research on Multicultural Education, pp. 570–581. New York: Macmillan.

Foster, M. (1997). Black teachers on teaching. New York: The New Press.

Gershenson, S., Holt, S. B., & Papageorge, N. W. (2016). Who believes in me? The effect of student-teacher demographic match on teacher expectations. Economics of Education Review, 52, 209-224.

Gershenson, S., Hart, C., Davis, Lindsay, C., & Papageorge, N. (2017). The long-term effects of same-race teachers. IZA Institute of Labor Economics.

Heath, S. B. (1983). Ways with words: Language, life and work in communities and classrooms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Henry, A. (1990, April). Black women, Black pedagogies: An African Canadian context. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Conference, Boston.

Hollins, E. R. (1982). The Marva Collins story revisited: Implications for regular classroom instruction. Journal of Teacher Education, v33, Issue 1.

Hollins, E. R. (1982). Beyond multicultural education. Negro Educational Review, v33, 140-145.

Howard, T.C. (2001). Telling Their Side of the Story: African American Students’ Perceptions of Culturally Relevant Teaching. The Urban Review 33: 131.

Irvine, J.J. (2002). In search of wholeness: African American teachers and their culturally specific classroom practices. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

Irvine, J.J. (1990). Black students and school failure: Policies, practices and prescription. New York: Greenwood Press.

Irvine, J.J. (1989). Beyond role models: An examination of cultural influences on the pedagogical perspectives of Black teachers. Peabody Journal of Education, 66, 51-63.

Irvine, J.K., & Fraser, J.W. (1998, May). Warm demanders: Do national certification standards leave room for the culturally responsive pedagogy of African American teachers? Education Week, 41-42.

Kelly, H. (2007). Racial tokenism in the school workplace: An exploratory study of black teachers in overwhelmingly white schools. Educational Studies41(3), 230-254.

Ladson-Billings, G. (1989). A Tale of Two Teachers: Exemplars of Successful Pedagogy for Black Students.

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Lynn, M., & Jennings, M. E. (2009). Power, politics, and critical race pedagogy: A critical race analysis of Black male teachers’ pedagogy. Race Ethnicity and Education12(2), 173-196.

Mensah, F. M. (2009). A Portrait of Black Teachers in Science Classrooms. Negro Educational Review60.

Milner, H. R. (2012). Challenging Negative Perceptions of Black Teachers. Educational Foundations26, 27-46.

Mitchell, A. (1998). African American teachers: Unique roles and universal lessons. Education and Urban Society, 31, 1, 104-122.

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Siddle Walker, V. (2001). African American teaching in the South: 1940-1960.American Educational Research Journal,  389, 4, 751-779.

Stanford, G. (1997). Successful pedagogy in urban schools: Perspectives of four African American teachers. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 2, 2, 107-119.

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Ware, F. (2002). Black teachers’ perspectives of their professional roles and practices. In J.J. Irvine (Ed.). In search of wholeness: African American teachers and their culturally specific classroom practices (pp. 33-46). New York: Palgrave.

Ware, F. (2006). Warm demander pedagogy: Culturally responsive teaching that supports a culture of achievement for African American students. Urban Education, Vol. 41, 4, 427-456.